MSE での投稿によれば "status-bydesign" タグが付いており意図的な変更のようですが、
Drop shadows on avatars eligible for expanded usercard has disappeared
なお、元に戻す提案も出ていますがこちらはマイナス票と "却下タグ" が付いています。
Reinstate the drop shadow on user cards in cases where the user card shows
表示される条件も "「自己紹介」に最低6文字以上" に変更された様子。
Can we make the “expanded user card” privilege universal?
I am happy to announce that hover cards are now working for all users. We have removed the rep requirement for this (previously 1000 rep), so it will show for any user. Based on your feedback, we have also moved down the content requirement for showing the hover card from 28 characters to 6 characters. This is now live on all sites on the network, and relevant wiki pages have been updated.
SOjaでの 関連するヘルプページ が更新されました。